Monday, February 15, 2010

FlightGear hacking

On the right is an image of a free flight simulator called FlightGear. It's used a lot for research purposes, but certainly also just to have fun and it is licensed under the GPL. You can fly anywhere in the world with the planes provided and the entire framework is reasonably extendable. There is actually a choice for the Flight Dynamics Model that you wish to use. Each FDM has different strengths and weaknesses. One focuses on airflow around the body parts and weight and another one more on the steering and so forth. The objective is realism and trying to simulate how things behave prior to real life development and tests. Thus, that cuts down on the costs of development significantly really. Its objective is not to compete with consumer-level flight simulator, nice flashy graphical details and so on, but the focus is on correctness of the flight model and other items around it.

For example, the airports are correct, the runway placing, approach lights, the sky and environment model are accurate qua stars, sun and moon given the time of day, the handling of the instruments are correct (the magnetic compass lags behind a bit just as in a real airplane), some planes may break when put under too much stress (although the pilot is likely to break before that!). The scenery uses the SRTM data that I also used to do the hillshading in mapnik (see previous post).

There are a lot of customization capabilities for FlightGear too, making it very suitable for research. The way it works is pretty simple. You specify an option parameter that states a direction of input or output (if input, then the simulator accepts an external file or socket for instructions to control ailerons, rudder, etc. ). More details can be found under /usr/share/games/FlightGear/Docs/README.IO if interested. The option looks roughly like this:
So, this chooses a socket transport, outgoing data, 10 times per second, localhost, port 16661, udp protocol using the protocol as specified in the myprotocol.xml file. Easy!

The receiving application can then start processing a stream of data coming from the flight simulator. It can also send back a number of commands to control the aircraft, the environment, sounds, AI models or whatever. Basically, it's quite a nice way to try out a couple of concepts before having to dig too deep into the bowels of the flight simulator package itself. The same methods are actually used to store a flight path of a plane and then replay the flight later (at the specified frequency intervals). The same methods are used to connect flightgear instances together and do some multiplayer flights or track the positions of flightgear users on a large map.

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